Tuesday, 23 July 2013

2001 Mizoram Religion Wise Cencus

Mediafire a tang download theihloh solve ang

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 Mozilla FireFox I hawng anga ..hetiang hian kal ang che…..

    REFCONTROL (Search box ah khan search pawp la..chuan, ilo la download lo anih chuan download nghal la…chuan install la….chuan Restart Browser)
    Tichuan Step 2 i zo fel taa…. GO TO – TOOLS – Ref Control Option .
    RefControl Option a lo in hawng ta…Add Site tih ah khan Click leh la..
    RefControl Site Properties lo in hawng leh ta..chuan lem…..site (box) ah khan www.mediafire.com type luh zeuh…
    Chuan le…thil pakhat hmaih loh tur…Action ah khan….Block – send no referrer tih kha zuk click leh keuh ang che….tichuan OK…
    OK leh….hihi Restart Mozilla Firefox/Exit-Open


* Motor rui chi tan chuan, motor chuan hma in Liv R (a tui) naupang tan chhin khat,puitling tan a chhin hnih in in a veng tha duh.
* Tetracycline capsules eilai chuanbawnghnute in loh a tha, bawnghnute ah hian Calcium a tel a,chu chuan Tetracycline zawp turkha a ti tlai ve thei.
* Tetracycline hi naupang kum 12hnuai lam ah hman loh tur.
* Engemaw changa luna ngut ngut (Stress headache/ tension headache) nei thin tan, tui mahni ngam tawka saah minute 15-20 vel tal ke chiah a tha, heihian lu a thisen a ti darh a,na a ti zia awm ve thei.
* Nau hnute pekin a tawn tawna pek chhawk chhen lovin a lehlam hnek zawhtir hnu ah chauh a lehlam hnektir leh tur a ni.
* Khua a sik in thawmhnaw lum inbel lova taksa temperature tih hniam zawk tur a ni,tuilum lip lepainhruk daih hi tuivawt leh vur ai pawhin a tha zawk a ni.
* Taksa kang ah hian fartuah rawhvap hi kang pilhah khan bel ila atha hle, Hanget ah pawh fartuah hling nei, a tak leh a pawninkara a dal hi thialsawmin a dam thei bawk.
* Pangang hling hi taksa a akai chuan Maimawm thirawphi puanvar nem fai taka tihuhin maimawm chu fun ila,chu chuan tuam hnan loh pawhin hruk in ahip chhuak thei a ni.
* Hritlang satliah atan chuan khawizu leh sertui chawhpawlh inhi a tha ve tak a ni,sawhthing leh Jira hersawm tui in hi hritlang khuh ten an ngaih hle bawk.
* Thisensang damdawi te hi chawei hma darkar khat emaw chaw eihnu darkar hnih hnu ah ei chauh tur.
* Zu in mi tan Paracetamol ei loh tur, thin a ti chhe thei

FB hming change limmit hnua hming thlak duh tan

1.Comp atang logout na hnuaiah help ah luh tur

2. search ah name change limit type a enter tur.

3. option lo lang ah My name change was not approved. tih click tur.

4. Details lo lang ah..LET US KNOW.. tih click leh a form lo awm ah khan First, Middle leh Last name kan Epic/Driving License ang taka type tawh mai tur.

 5. A hnuaiah Upload ID tih ah khan Mahni epic Id scanned copy emaw Driving license scanned copy kha upload tur.
chuan Sent!

 Took 3 days for processing

Computer leh Bluetooth connet a internet connect dan

1.My networ place ah right click la properties i thlang ang.

2.Make new connection icon ah i double click ang.

3.wizard a in start anga, Next i click ang.

4.Dial-up to the internet thlang ang.

5.connection Manual a configuration set turin Option hnuaiber kha i thlang ang.

6. phone line and modem option kha internet connection siam turin i thlang ang.

7.modem kha a install anga,Dont detect my modem kha i thlang anga

next i click ang.

i modem kha i install sa tawh chuan step14 na ah i kal dawn nia.

8. list ah khan ii phone model leh hming i thlang ang.

9.wizard ah khan COM port i select ang.system tray a blootooth icon kha right click la,

advanced kha i click ang.

10. Bluetooth serial port en turin Client app tab kha i click ang.

client kha i check ang, local service port ani tur anilo ania aw.

11.wizard ah i letleh anga, COM port diktak i select ang.

12.A chang chuan driver khan digital signature aneilo thin a, next i click ang.

13.finish i click ang.

14. wizard khan amahin connection asiam anga,use area code kha uncheck ang che.

a chhan chu gprs code kan dial duh vang ani. i sim a default GPRS Congiguration

tho kha i hmang dawn nia.

15. new connection anih avangin i connection kha a hming i pe dawn nia.

16.internet email setup tur khan yes emaw no emaw i select ang

(Configuration i neih sa chuan hei chu tih kher angailo.).

17.finish i click ang.

Internet connect tur chuan inew connection icon ah khan i double click

dawn nia. i duh chuan desktop ah pawh shortcut icon i siam thei.

18. system tray a dialing dialog leh bluetooth icon kha a hring

tih i hmu anga,

19.my bluetooth place ah i kal leh anga, mobile icon in connection a

siamlai i hmu anga, kha kha internet i connect tih hriatna anih kha.

20.Connection a in establish hunah chuan otification i dawng ang.

21. My bluetooth place kha han en leh la mobile icon khan connection a siam

tih i hmu ang.

22.internet explorer chuan connection thar default ah a siam ta a,

internet explorer in connect tur a a rawn zawh chuan work offline kha i

click dawn nia.

21. internet explorer ah khan tools/internet option/connection tabs.

i default connection kha i thlak dawn nia. anihloh pawhin

default a LAN connection i hman duh chuan

never dial a connection kha i click dawn nia.

System ti chak ang

1. My Computer kha right click la, properties-ah kal roh.

2. System Properties a lo lang anga, a hnuaia options hrang2 zingah khan ADVANCE tih-ah lut roh.

3. Settings hrang2 i hmu anga, PERFOMANCE settings-ah khan lut leh roh.

4. Perfomance Options a lo lang ang. Visual Effects-ah khan ADJUST FOR BEST PERFOMANCE kha thlang la, apply la, i ok zoh-ah i System i restart don nia. Tichuan, 30%-in i system perfomance a chak sawt ang

Phone a tanga Network Boost na


REGISTRATION: He application hi hack sa
a ni a, a serial key ah khan 0 (zero) hlir dah phei khat vekin enter la, full version in lo hmang mai rawh le

I registered zawh ah profile manager ah lut la, a hnuai a mi ang hian i lo setup mai dawn nia.

PROFILE: I Service Provider Company hming

CLDC: I mobile CLDC i hriat mai loh chuan MemoryUp Pro khu hawng hmasa in Options >> System Info atang khan en rawh

MIDP: A chunga mi ang tho khian


CARRIER: I Service Provider Company

NETWORK: 2G hmang ho chuan Vodafone tih loh chuan GPRS tih mai tur. Vodafone ah chuan EDGE. 3G hmang chuan 3G.


Tichuan i save anga, i hawn apianga set chawp zel ngai lovin i boost pawp tawh mai dawn nia.

Folder Option Bo siam dan

Click Start > Run

gpedit.msc > Enter

User Config. > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Explorer

Enable and then Disable “Removes Folder Options menu from Tools menu” tih kha Enable phawt la, Disable leh ang che.

Windows Explorer hawn lai a awm chuan khar vek la hawng tha leh ang che, Folder Option a awm leh awm loh en rawh.

Registry Editor hawn theih loh Group Policy Editor hmanga siamthat Dan :

Click Start > Run

gpedit.msc > Enter

I Screen veilamah hei hi hmet chhuak rawh. User Config > Administrative Template > System.

Screen dinglamah khan “Prevent access to registry editing tools” tih zawng la, Not Configured tiin emaw Enabled tiin emaw a lo awm ang. Enabled tia a lo awm chuan Disable ang che, Not Configured tia  alo awm chuan Enable phawt la, Apply settings ti leh la, chuan Disable leh ang che.

Mobile a tanga File, mp3, etc share na

Folder Delete theih loh a siam dan

Kan thil duhlai engemaw vang a kan lo delete palh hia awm ve thin a, Recycle Bin kan lo tiruak hman tawh thin bawk sia, kan buai hle thin anih kha. Hetiang hian kanpumpelh thei ani.Folder Delete theihloh a siam dan:

1. Start/run/type: cmd /enter.

2. Command prompt ah khan i Current Drive kha i thlak thei
   a, entirnan C:\ hi a rawn lang a, i duh chuan E: i type thei.

3. command prompt ah khan type: md \lpt1\\  chuan i enter ang.
   I Computer ah folder a insiam ta a,

4. I duh chuan i delete leh thei a, Delete tur chuan
   cmd ah kal leh la, a directory ah i navigate anga,
   type: rd \lpt1\\   chuan i enter ang. i folder chu a
   in delete tawh ang

Browser muang ti chak ang

1. start / run / type regedit / enter

2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows /
  Current Version / Explorer/ RemoteComputer / NameSpace

3. Select the key :


   chuan delete rawh.

4. Restart kher angailo.

Fast Shutdown

 1. Start > Run > regedit > HKEY LOCAL MACHINE > System >  CurrentControlSet > Control > Session Manager > Memory  Management
2. Right Pane Window en la, ClearPageFileAtShutdown tih i hmu ang.
3. Value kha 0 (zero) ah thlak roh.
4. Run-ah kal leh la, Secpol.msc tih type la, ENTER roh.
5. Local Policies| Security Options -ah click leh la
6. Right pane windows -ah Shutdown : Clear virtual memory page file kha i DISABLE don nia.

Windows7 Active lo a ni 360 hman dan

1. Goto “Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories” . “Command Prompt” ah I Right click anga “Run as Administrator“ i ti ang. Administrator i nih loh chuan Password a dil ang che a nga Step 2 ah i kal thei lo ang.
2. Command Prompt ah hei hi chhu ang che "slmgr -rearm" chuan Enter.
3. Step 2 na i tih zawh ah khian computer restart turin a ti ang che a nga... Windows a i luh leh hunah i trial period chu ni 30 in a tam anga... step2 hi VAWI 4 i ti nawn thei a... tichuan ni 120 thleng a sang thei ang.
4. hetah hian thil dang tih tur a awm leh dawn a. trial period ni 240 ah kan dah leh ang... RUN ah kal la regedit chhu la.. a hnuaia mi ang khuan kal ang che.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform

5. Ding lampanga mi SkipRearm value kha 1 ah thlak ang che.
6. Tunah chuan step 2 na a mi khi vawi 8 i ti nawn leh thei ang. ni 120 + 240 = 360 days.

Ni 120 kha command Prompt hman hma a tih tur a ni a

Ni 240 kha commandprompt hman hnu registry edit hnu ah tih tur a ni

Windows7 Active lo a ni 360 hman dan

1. Goto “Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories” . “Command Prompt” ah I Right click anga “Run as Administrator“ i ti ang. Administrator i nih loh chuan Password a dil ang che a nga Step 2 ah i kal thei lo ang.
2. Command Prompt ah hei hi chhu ang che "slmgr -rearm" chuan Enter.
3. Step 2 na i tih zawh ah khian computer restart turin a ti ang che a nga... Windows a i luh leh hunah i trial period chu ni 30 in a tam anga... step2 hi VAWI 4 i ti nawn thei a... tichuan ni 120 thleng a sang thei ang.
4. hetah hian thil dang tih tur a awm leh dawn a. trial period ni 240 ah kan dah leh ang... RUN ah kal la regedit chhu la.. a hnuaia mi ang khuan kal ang che.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform

5. Ding lampanga mi SkipRearm value kha 1 ah thlak ang che.
6. Tunah chuan step 2 na a mi khi vawi 8 i ti nawn leh thei ang. ni 120 + 240 = 360 days.

Ni 120 kha command Prompt hman hma a tih tur a ni a

Ni 240 kha commandprompt hman hnu registry edit hnu ah tih tur a ni


1. Notepad hawng la... 2. a mi khu copy la paste ang che..
2. MYSTRING=(80000000)
3. Notepad kha save la a hmingah chuan Notepad.vbe ti la a nih loh pawh in i duh duh mahse a extention       kha .vbe a ni tur a ni.
4. Desktop a ngei mai khan save ang che.
5. Tichuan i computer kha a muang i tih hun apiangah i file siam thak chu i click pawp zel mai dawn nia


1. Windows XP Boot CD hmangin i computer boot la....
2. Partition select tura a rawn tih hunah che "C" kha thlang la...
3. A partition kha NTFS emaw FAT pawh in format la... a rang pawh
in a rang lo pawh in a pawi lo...
4. Setup file vel zawng zawng a in copy zawh ah khan computer a
in restart anga.. a nih loh pawh in ENTER hmet mai la...
hemi zawh hian a trick chu kan ti dawn a ni...
5. a in restart zawh ah khan Screen minute 40 vel instillation
zawh nan hun a awm anga...
6. hetah tak hian Shift+F10 key kha hmet la... Command Prompt a
rawn hawng ang.
7. Command Prompt ah khan hei hi chhu la “Taskmgr” taskmanager a
lo lang ang..
8. Processor tab ah kal la.... a list ah khan SETUP.EXE i hmu anga...
SETUP.EXE ah khan Right Click la Setup.exe -> Set Priority -> High or Above Normal...
kha thlang la....
9. Ni danga windows i setup ai chuan a chak zawk ngei ka beisei....
Hetia i tih hian I processor kha a hna chak thei ang berin i thawh tir tihna a ni...


1. Start-> Run-> gpedit.msc type ang che
2. Computer Configuration ah i kal anga Administrative Templates ah i kal leh anga.
3. Network tab kha hawng la.
4. QoS Packet Scheduler i hawng leh anga
5. Limit Reservable Bandwidth i hawng ang a... not configured tih kha i enable ang
6. Bandwidth limit % kha 0 % ah i dah ang... Apply...ok


1. System Restore kha off phawt ang che. (Control panel-ah lut la, system tih kha double click rawh)

2. Task manager hawng la (ctrl + alt + del), Process tih hnuaia Explorer.exe tih kha end process leh ang che.

3. Task Manager-a File tih kha click la, New Task(Run)-ah khan
lut la, cmd tih chhu la enter la

4. Command prompt a lo lang ang a, tah khan a hnuaia mi hi chhu la, enter zel rawh
cd c:\windows\system32

attrib -h -s -r -a amvo.exe

del amvo.exe

attrib -h -s -r -a amvo0.dll

del amvo0.dll

5. A hnuaia mi hi chhu la, enter leh zel ang che


c:\> attrib -h -s -r -a autorun.inf

del autorun.inf

attrib -h -s -r -a u.bat

del u.bat

NB:  U.bat kher lo pawh a siam thei a,Video.exe ti te pawh a ni thei, a file hming hi i thlak mai dawn nia.

Hei hian c: a mi chauh a tifai dawn a, drive danga mi (pendrive pawh) i tih fai dawn chuan a hnuaia mi ang hian ti leh ang che.,

Entirnan :- D:

Drive danga i luh veleh 5-na hi ti tha leh la, chutiangin drive dang pah i ti zel thei ang


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(Presbyterian Church of India)

                                                           KOHHRAN THURIN

1.Thuthlung Hlui Bu leh Thuthlungthar Bute hi Pathian thu a ni a, heng chauh hi rinna leh thiltih tehna, diklo theilo a ni.

2. Pathian pakhat chauh a awm a, Amah chauh chu biak tur a ni. Amah chu Tlarau, mahnia awma, hmuntina awm, thlarau dang zawng zawng leh thildang reng reng laka hrang si a ni a. A miziaah te, finnaah te, thiltihtheihnaah te, thianghlimnaah te, diknaah te, thatnaah te, taknaah te leh hmangaihnaah te tawp chin neilo, chatuan mi, danglam ngailo a ni.

3. Pathian ah chuan minung pathum - Pa leh Fapa leh Thlarau Thianghlim an awm a, an pathum hian Pathian pakhat an nia a, nihna thuhmun, thiltihtheihna leh ropuinaa intluk an ni.

4. Lei leh Van leh a chhunga thil awm zawng zawng siamtu Pathian chuan mihring hi, hriatna leh felna leh thianghlimnaa a ma anpuiin mipaah leh hmeichhiaah a siama, mizawng zawng hi bul thuhmun leh unau vek kan ni.

5. Mihring chuan a ma duh thu ngei in Pathian dan a bawhchhia a, thiam lohna leh chhiatna ah chuan amah a inbarh lut ta a. Chu thiam lohna leh chhiatna leh sual hremna a ta chu mihring te chhanchhuak tur leh chatuan nunna pe turin hmangaihna tawp neilo Pathian chuan, a chatuan Fapa neih chhun Lal Isua Krista chu khawvel ah a rawntir a; Ama zarah chauh chuan mihringte hi chhandam in an awm thei a ni. Chu chatuan fapa chu mihring tak ah a lo chang a, minung pakhat mize pahnih nei, Pathian tak leh mihring tak a ni kumkhua ta a ni. Thlarau Thianghlim thiltihtheihna a vang in nula thianghlim Mari chuan a paia, a hring a; Mahse, sual anei lo.Mi sualte tan Pathian dan chu azawh famkim a, Pathianin dikna a phut chu hlen chhuak tur leh mihringte Pathian remtir turin, inthawina tak leh famkim atan a inhlan a, Kraws-ah athi a, phumin a awm ani thum niah mitthi zing ata a tholeh a. Pathian dinglamah a han chho va,tahchuan amite tan adilsak reng a,chutatang chuan mitthi te kaitho tur leh khawvel rorel turin alo kal leh ang.

6. Thlaraau Thianghlim, Pa leh Fapa ata lo chhuak chuan mihringte chu chhandamna changtu ah asiama, ansual zia leh chungpik zia te a hriatchian tir a.Krista hriatna kawngah anrilru ati var a, an duhna te titharin, Isua Krista chu an Lalpa leh Chhandamtua pawm tura ngen in, pawm thei turin apui a, an mahni ah felna rah chitinreng athawk chhuak thin.

7. Kristaah chuan Pathianin mi zawng zawng henah chhandamna famkim chu a thlawnin arawn hlan a, an sualte sim tur leh Lal Isua Krista chu an chhandamtu atana ring turte,Amah ewntawn a, Pathian duh ang taka in ngaitlawm leh thianghlima nung tur te in thu a pe a. Krista chu ringa athu zawm tute chu chhandam an ni a, sual ngaihdamna te, thiam chantirna te, pathian fa nihna te, Thlarau Thainghlim chenpuina azara thianghlimna te chatuan ropuina te an chang a. Ringtute chuan tun damchhung pawhin chhandam nih inhriatchianna lawmawm tak chu an chang thei a. Thlarau Thianghlim chuan khawngaihna hna athawhin, Thu te, Sakramen te, Tawngtaina te hi hmanrua ah ahmang deuh bik thin a ni.

8. Krista dinchhuah Sakramen - te chu Baptisma leh Lalpa Zanriah te hi an ni. Baptisma chu Pa leh Fapa leh Thlarau Thianghlim hminga tuia sil hi ani a, heihi krista kan zawmna te, Thlarau Thianghlim zara piantharna leh tihnunna te, Lalpa hnena kan inpeknate chhinchhiahna leh nemnghehna ani a. An sualte sima, Krista chu an chhandamtu atan an ring tih puangtu te leh an fate chantir tur a ni.
           Lalpa Zanriah chu Krista thihna hriat reng nana chhang leh uaiin chanho hi ani a, ringtuten Krista thihnaa hlawkna an chan chhinchhiahna leh nemnghehna a ni. Ama mite chuan Amah leh A inhlanna an pawm zia te, an hlawkpui zia te, Arawngbawl tura an inpek zelna te, Amah an pawlna leh midang nena an inpawlna te entir nan, Alokal leh hma loh chuan an changho thin tur a ni. Sakramen tangkaina techu Sakraman thil vang anilova, athehtu vang ani hek lova, Krista malsawmna a vang leh rinnaa changtuah Thlarauvin  athawh  avang chauh a ni. 

9. Ringtu zawng zawng tihtur chu Kohhrana inpawlho tura inzawm khawm te, Krista Sakramen leh athil serh dang vawn that te, Adan zawm te, Tawngtai zel te, Lalpa Ni serh Thianghlim te, Amah beho tura  inkhawm te, Athuhril ngun taka ngaihthlak te, Pathian malsawmna an dawn ang zela pek ve thung te, Anmahni ho zingah leh mi zawng zawng zingah Krista nungchang ang tihlan te, khawvel puma Krista ram ti zau tura beih te, Ropui taka alo kal lehna hun nghah te hi a ni.

10. Ni hnuhnungah chuan mitthite chu  kaihthawhin an awm anga, mi zawng zawng Krista rorelna thutphah hmaah an lang anga, he dam chhunga an thil tih that leh that loh ang zelin relsak anni ang. Ringlo te leh misualte chuan thiamloh changin ansual hremna an tuar ang; Krista ringa, athu zawmtute erawh chu alangchanga thiamchantirin an awm anga, ropuinaa lawm luhin an awm ang.


Android IMP codes: Cell Battery, WiFi Usage etc Info


Restore Factory Settings


Format Phone


Launch service mode


Test WiFi

*#*#232339#*#* or *#*#526#*#* or *#*#528#*#*

Display WiFi MAC address


GPS test


Other GPS test

Bluetooth test

Display Bluetooth physic address

Start Gtalk monitoring

PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate

PDA and Phone

FTA SW version

FTA HW version

PDA, Phone, csc,

Packet Loopback

LCD test

Melody test



Device test such as vibration and lightness

Display touchscreen version

Touchscreen test

Distance sensor test

Display memory version

Monday, 22 July 2013


Tata docomo:
Hetiang hian i message type rawh:
BT<space> MobileNumber<space> balance i transfer duh zat. send it to >> 54321
TRAN (Balance i transfer duh zat)
(i transferna tur phone number)
144(tol free)
*131*20*<phone number>#
& press call button

just send sms as
GIFT<space>mobile number<space>and send it to>> 53733

*141#<phone number>#
& press call button Rs.50 thleng i transfer thei

*567*<phone number>*Rs#

Balance Transfer
Step1: Dial *567*friend mobile number*balance i transfer tur zat#
[eg:*567 *9092 XXXXXX*50#]
Terms and Conditions: charge Rs/- 2 For this Method.

Uninor :
Step1: balance transfer tur zat
Step2: Dial *202*i transferna tur mobile number*transfer tur zat#
[eg: *202*962XXXXXXX*50#]
Terms and Conditions: Minimum balance should be rs.5/-

Aircel :
Notification i dawng anga transfer i thlang ang.
I transfer theih zat= 5,10,25,50,100
I transfer hnu ah sms i dawng ang.


Kohhranhming                                            Dintu                                            Din kum
Presbyterian                                              Edwin Rowlands                                   1898
Baptist                                                JH Lorrain &FW Savidge                            1903
Independent church of Maraland                                                                             1907
United Penticostal Church                            Zakamlova                                          1950
Salvation Army                                         Kawlkhuma                                            1916
Roman Catholic                                       Thangphunga                                           1925
Seventh Day Adventist Church                Lallianzuala Sailo                                      1945
Evangelical free church of India                       R Dala                                              1913
Jehova Witness                                                                                                       1961
World Wide Church of God ......                                                                             1969
Lalchhungkua Evan.Rorelliana                                                                                 1978
Zion Church of God Israel                       Rev.H Thangruma                                    1970.
IKK(Kross var)                                      Thangkhuma                                            1971
IKK(Kross sen)                                                                                                     1971
Messianic Israel Zionist Organisation         JH Thangliana                                         1987
Jehova Jire                                                RT Hnema                                              1974
Lalpa Kohhran Thar                                 Khuangtuaha                                           1955
Fundamental Baptish                             Rev. Chanchinmawia                                  1982
Pathian Fatir Kohhran                                Chhunkhama                                         1987
Penticostal reformed Church                        Aichhunga                                            1987
Rinna Kohhran                                                                                                        1977
Pathiannung fate                                           KL Zikpuia                                          1971
Mizo Kohhran                                                                                                         1987
Susan Kohhran                                       Vincent Hniarvunga                                   1975
Kohhran Thianghlim                                   Dr Biakmawia                                        1984
Pawiram Baptist Kohhran                                                                                        1987
Abrahama Thuthlung                                    Pachiauva                                             1987
Sialsuk Thiangzau                                          Kawlha                                               1943
Zoram Maicham                                        Thanchhuma                                           1964
Zathangvunga Pawl                                   Zathangvunga
Lalzawna Pawl                                            Lalzawna                                              1978
Vanawia Pawl                                              Vanawia                                               1979
Chana Pawl                                               Khuangtuaha                                          1955
Enoka Israel Lalrempuia                                                                                          1985
Assembly of God
Evagelical Baptist Convention
Church of God
Messianic Judaism
Isua Kohhran
Zawlnei Sawmi Pawl
Pawllo Pawl
Revival Kohhran
Pathian nung Kohhran
Zomi Baptist
Revival Baptist
Nunna Lalchhungkua


First Generation (1945-1955)
He hun chhung hian hmasawnna nasa tak a thleng a -
a) Kum 1946-ah Proff. John Presper Eckert leh John Mauchlay, University of Pensylvania(USA) ten an thawhpui Professor dangte nen tangrualin ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) an siam chhuak. He khawl hi 30 Tonnes zet a rit 1500 Sq.Ft. a lian a ni. A hunlai a khawl dangte aiin a lêt 300 lai a chak a ni.
b) Kum 1947-ah Proff. John Von Neumann leh a thawhpuiten EDVAC (Electronic Discreate Variable Automatic Computer) an siam chhuak.
c) Proff. Maurice Wilkes, University of Cambridge(UK)leh a thawhpuiten EDSAC( Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) an lo siam chhuak ve bawk.
d) Kum 1951-ah Remington Rand chuan UNIVAC1(Universal Automatic Computer) an siam chhuak a. Hei hi hralh sum atan tak taka Computer siamchhuah hmasak ber a ni.
*First Generation hunlai hian ‘Vacuum Tube’ an hmang.
Second Generation (1956-1965)
Kum 1947-ah Bradeen, Brattain leh Shokley ten Transistor an rawn hmuchhuak (siamchhuak) a.Chu chu kum 1956-ah chuan Vacuum tube thlâk nan an han hmang ta a, a lo tlo zawkin a chak pawh a lo chak ta zawk a ni.
Tin, he hunah hian Machine Language aiah Assembly Language an hmang a, Binary code aiah Abbreviated Programme Code an hmang ta bawk.
Third Generation (1966-1975)
a) Kum 1958-ah Jack Kilby-an Integrated Circuit (IC) a hmuchhuak a, Transistor, Resistor leh Capacitor-te chu hmunkhatah a remkhawm thei a. Hemi thiamna hmang hian Third Generation mithiamte chuan khâwl part tam tak, a nuai telin hmun zimte ah an remkhawm thei ta a. Computer a lo tê thei ta zawkin a man pawh a lo tlâwm ta zâwk bawk.
b) Printed Circuit Board.
c) Large Scale Integration (LSI) Circuit.
d) Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Circuit.
e) Kum 1960-ah Mainframe Computer an tih mai, Computer lian leh chak tak an siamchhuak. Tin, ‘Mini-Computer’ pawh hetih hunlai vêla siamchhuah tan a ni.
f) Germanium Tansistor aiah Silicon Transistor an hmang ta bawk.
Fourth Generation (1976-1985)
Kum 1976 a han nih chhoh meuh chuan Computer a thang nasa hle tawh a. Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) thiamna hmangin part maktaduai têl an rem khawm thei ta a. He thiamna hian Computer-te chu chak zâwk, tê zâwk leh mantlâwm zâwkah a siamchhuak thei ta a. ‘INTEL’ Company in ‘Micro-processor’ an rawn siamchhuak ta bawk a .Tunlai a Desktop Computer kan tihte hi an lo siamchhuak thei ta a ni. Chumai nilovin Laptop(malchunga dah tham lek) te leh Palmtop(Kutphah-a ken tham lek) te an lo siam chhuak ta a ni.
Fifth Generation (1986-Onwards)
Fifth Generation hi tuna kan hman(awmna)mêk hi a ni a. He hun ah hian Scientist-te chuan Computer chu; mihring anga ngaihtuahna nei ve, biak theih leh kawm theih, hun leh boruak azira ngaihtuahna hmang ve zung zung thei tura siam an lo tum ta hial a ni.


Khawvel mihringte inpawhtawnna Social network hi sikul naupang Mark Zuckerberg a chuan 2004 feb, khan Harvard's (university) Dormitory ah he website hi a thian te nen inpwhtawnna tha zawk an neih theih na tur anih ringin a buatsaih ani. A buatsaih/siam lai khan naupangte kum 19 lek ani. A siam zawh ni Feb 4, la la khan Havard university sikul a naupang 1000 chuangin he Social network hi an zawm nghal ani. Thlakhat hnuah phei chuan naupang zatve deuh thawin an zawm tawh ani.

He facebook hian billion dollar sumdawnna a herchuah pui rup mai a. Kum nga hmel ahmuh khan khan khawvela mihring 150 million ten an hmang der tawh, tunah chuan khawvel mihring 800 million chuangin hmang tawh in an sawi bawk ani. Forbe Magazine chuan he facebook website siamtu hi khawvela billionair naupang berah an kum 2008 khan an lo puang tawh ani. kum 2008 khan $ 1:5 billion vel anei daih tawh ani.


1.win + R(run) hmet la
2. cmd type rawh
3.Chuan slmgr/slr i type ang a.
4.Rei lote nghak la,a rawn lang mai ang


(1) *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5%

(2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( Favourite )

(3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.

(4) *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.

5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type. ( Favourite )

(6) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.

(7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )

(8) #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

(9) #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

(10) #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

(11) #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.

(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).

(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to

(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.

(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.

(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

(18) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.

(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.

(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.

(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.

(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.

(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.

24) *#7760# Manufactures code.

(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings.

26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.

(27) *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair

(0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. (Favourite )

(28) *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem.

(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.

(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.

(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.

(32) 12345 This is the default security code.

press and hold # Lets you switch between lines

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #

Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #

Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]

Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #

Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+1

Network lock status #pw+1234567890+2

Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+3

SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+4

NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/6150/6190

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #

Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #

Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]

Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #

NOKIA 3110

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #

Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #

Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

NOKIA 3330

*#06# This will show your warranty details *#92702689#

*3370# Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.

#3370# Deactivates the above

*#0000# Shows your software version

*#746025625#This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage

*4370# Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart

#4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart

Restore Factory Settings To do this simply use this code

*#7780# Manufacturer Info Date of Manufacturing *#3283#

*3001#12345# (TDMA phones only) This will put your phone into programming mode, and you'll be